In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Origin and Distribution of Horse Gram 2. Climate, Soils and Tillage of Horse Gram 3. Varieties and Seasons 4. Seeding and Plant Population 5. Quality Considerations. Origin and Distribution of Horse Gram: India is considered as primary center of origin of horsegram. There is also considerable evidence […]
Horse Gram: Origin, Distribution and varieties | Pulses | Agronomy
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Growth Stages of Pulses Crops | Pulses | Agronomy
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It is convenient to consider the growth of pulses crops in consecutive phases. The amount of growth during each stage is governed by environmental factors. Legume yield depends on both vegetative and reproductive components as indicated below: 1. Number of nodes per plant (No) is governed by vegetative growth x duration of pre-flowering period. 2. […]