List of implements [tools and equipment’s ] used for sowing seeds are as follows: 1. Seed Drill 2. Drum Seeder 3. Potato Planter.
Implement # 1. Seed Drill:
The implement that is used for sowing seed in rows at uniform rate and at control depth and spacing is called ‘seed drill’.
Classification of Seed Drill:
(i) Seed drills are classified depending upon the seed metering as follows:
(a) Manually metered drills.
(b) Mechanically metered drills.
(ii) Seed drills are classified according to their function as follows:
(a) Plain Seed drill.
(b) Seed-cum-fertilizer drills.
In seed cum fertilizer drills, a seed drill is filled with fertilizer dropping attachment which distributes fertilizer uniformly on the soil. There is a seed box in this seed drill which is divided lengthwise into two compartments. Out of these, one is meant for seed and the other for fertilizer.
(iii) Seed drills are classified depending on the nature of power employed as follows:
(a) Tractor drawn seed drill.
(b) Animal draw seed drill.
(1) Hand seed drill – The hand seed drill is employed for sowing different types of seeds such as Paddy (Oryza sativa L), Wheat (Triticum sp), Jute (Corchorus sp), Mustard (Brassica sp), pulse crops etc. in a row at uniform depth and spacing. A seed drill is suitable for sowing different types of seeds by changing the disc only according to the size of seeds.
Seed drill is an automatic seed sowing machine. When the operator pushes the seed drill by hand and forwards the front wheel rotates and the rotation power is transmitted to the disc through the crank shaft. The disc then rotates and the seed feeds the pits of disc coming through the felt. Seed dropping aperture may be gravity feed or forced feed.
Forced feed may be of two types as follows:
(I) Brash
(II) Fluted Roller
The furrow opener opens the furrow in which seeds fall from the pits of disc due to its rotation. The soil gatherer refills the furrow which is pressed by a Press wheel. The next row is demarcated by the marker at the time of sowing seed. The seed rate can be controlled by the arrangement of the felt.
The procedure of testing the seed drill for correct seed rate is called “Calibration of Seed Drill”, which is necessary before putting in actual use to help the desired seed rate. Calibration is done to get a predetermined seed rate of the machine.
The method of calibrating a seed drill before using it in the field is as follows:
(1) At first, diameter of driving wheel i.e. front wheel is to be measured.
(2) The distance covered by front wheel for one revolution is to be calculated. Put mark on the wheel so that the revolution may be counted easily.
(3) The opening of seed drill should be fixed.
(4) The seeds are kept in the hopper and the front wheel is rotated for one revolution. Then the seeds are collected under each seed tube on paper or in cloth and weighed.
(5) The seed metering mechanism (i.e. the mechanism of seed dill which delivers seeds from the hopper at selected rates is called seeds metering mechanism) is changed and the same process is repeated until the desired seed rate is obtained.
(6) After calibration, the seed drill is taken to the field for actual sowing.
The speed of bullock or tractor drawn seed drill is 1.5 and 2.5 miles per hour respectively. The hand driven seed drill covers 0.15 hectare for sowing Aus. paddy (Oryza sativa L) and 0.12 hectare for sowing Wheat (Tritcum sp) seed per hour.
(1) Carrying of seed in hopper.
(2) Opening of furrow to a uniform depth by the furrow opener.
(3) Metering the seed.
(4) Placing the seed in furrow in an acceptable pattern.
(5) Covering of seeds by the soil gatherer.
(6) Compacting of seed around the seeds by press wheel.
Implement # 2. Drum Seeder:
The drum seeder is an automatic seed sowing implement by which sprouted Paddy (Oryza sativa L) seeds are sown in the puddle soil.
The sprouting paddy (Oryza sativa L) seeds are possible to sow directly in the puddle soil.
Basic Requirement in Sowing Seeds:
The basic requirement for sowing seed by drum seeder, made of plastic, is as follows:
(1) The land should be puddle and leveled thoroughly.
(2) The excess water in the field should be drained out before sowing of seed, do not let the soil surface becomes dry.
(3) The seeds need to be pre-germinated. The shoot should not let to become too long. The growth of shoots for 24 hours is usually sufficient.
(4) The spouted seeds should be air dry in the shade for about 10-15 minutes, before sowing to facilitate singly/separation of seed.
(5) The sprouted paddy (Oryza sativa L) seeds are filled three-fourth level in each of four drums. Once the drum seeder is pulled, seeds fall in eight rows at 20 cm.
Specification of Plastic Drum Seeder:
Details of direct seeding technology (on per acre basis)
(i) Seed rate – 15.0 kg/acre.
(ii) Time required for direct seeding – 2 hours.
(iii) Labor required – 3 (one for pulling the drum seeder, one to help the puller to lift the machine at the end of the field and for to fill/ refill the seeds in the drum.
(iv) Herbicides – The use of herbicides is must for controlling the weeds.
The direct seeding by drum seeder eliminates seed bed preparation, care of seedlings in seedbed, pulling and handling of seeds lings, transplanting operation etc. The lower labor cost is the main advantage of direct seeding. The saving of labor may substantially reduce the production cost particularly in areas where labor cost is high as well as availability of labor in time. The direct seeded Paddy (Oryza sativaL) may mature 7-10 days earlier than the transplanting Paddy (Oryza sativa L). The saving in time is important especially where multiple cropping pattern is used.
The Paddy (Oryza sativa) cum Dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) Seeder is an implement which sows paddy in three rows and green manuring crop in three rows simultaneously.
(i) Power requirement – Manually operated.
(ii) Overall dimension – 1650 x 1699 x 690 mm.
(iii) Weight – 15 kg.
(iv) Coverage – 0.8 hectare
General Information:
The seeder has two drum hopper, two skids, a ground wheel and a handle. The Seeder simultaneously sows pre-germinated Faddy (Oryza sativa L) seeds and dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) seeds in alternate rows and in puddle soil.
(i) Uniformity in seed sowing and plant population.
(ii) Reduction of seed rate and the cost of thinning is reduced.
(iii) Mill dropping of seeds is achieved and continuous drilling is eliminated.
(iv) Growth of competitive weeds is checked due to green manuring of crop.
Implement # 3. Potato Planter:
The Potato (Solanum tubrosum L), Planter is an important crop in India, requires lot of labor for planting the seed tubers in the field. The slow laborious hand dropping method of planting potato tubers has been largely supplemented by mechanical potato planter. The potato planter opens the furrow, drops and spaces the seed pieces at various distance, place the fertilizes to the sides and below the level of the seed tubers and cover both the seed tubers and fertilizers at desired depth.
The potato planters have the different types of potato planting mechanism as follows:
(i) Automatic,
(ii) Semi-automatic.
(iii) High speed automatic.