Here is the list of buffalo breeds that are mainly found in India:- 1. Murrah 2. Nili Ravi 3. Surti 4. Jaffarbadi 5. Mehsana 6. Bhadawari 7. Tarai 8. Nagpuri 9. Pandhepuri 10. Manda 11. Sambalpur 12. Kalhandi 13. Jerangi 14. Toda.
The origin of this breed is mainly in Delhi and Punjab Popular colour is jet black with white markings on the tail, face and extremities.
The average milking capacity iDn well-established herds is about 1400-2000 kg and butter fat content of 7% of milk in a lactation of 9-10 months.
This type of breeds is found in the valley of Montgomery and Ferozepur. This animal is medium sized, deep frame, horns are small with high coil and the neck is long, thin and fine.
She buffaloes are high milkers average lactation period of 250 days. Males are used for draught work.
This breed is found in the South-Western part of Gujarat state of India.
The skin colour is black or brown and the colour of the hair varies from rusty brown to silver grey. The tail is long, this and flexible usually with a white switch.
The average lactation yield of well-breed animals is 1600 kg with the fat content of 7.5%.
These breeds are found mainly in the Gir forest of Kathiawar. Body is longer. Females are somewhat loose. Animal of this breed are generally black in colour. The Jaffarbadi males on the average weight 600 kg. While female’s weight 460 kg.
Animals are heavy milkers ranging from 15 to 18 kg /day.
The name of Mehsana derived from its home tract of the town Mehsana located in the North of the Gujarat state.
Mehsana breed of buffalo was developed by cross of Murrah and Surti breed. The breed is a medium sized animal with a low-set deep body.
This group has the following Indian buffalo breeds:
These breeds are found in Bhadawari state of Agra district and adjoining areas of Gwalior and Etawah. This is found scattered in the surrounding of Jamuna and Chambal rivers. Medium sized and wedge-shaped body. Legs are short but stout. Colour is copper, hair scanty. Eyes are prominent, active and bright.
Average yield from 2000 to 2070 kg in lactation period of 305 days with a high fat percentage. Males are used for drought purpose.
The name of this breed derived from the Tarai area of Uttar Pradesh. The breed is native to hilly area.
Its moderate body, horns are long and flat with coils. The colour of the skin varies from black to brown.
The breed is poor milk producer, which may be as low as 2-3 kg daily. Males are used for draught purposes.
These animals are mainly found in Nagpur in Maharashtra. Colour is usually black, occasionally white markings are observed on the face, legs and switch. Neck is also longer with heavy brisket.
The female are moderately good yielders, producing on an average 1000 Litres milk/lactation of 300 days with butter content between 7.0-8.5%.
This breed is broadly found in South Maharashtra, parts of Andhra Pradesh. Animals are of medium size with long narrow face and very long flat and usually twisted with horns.
Males are hardy and well suited for drought purpose.
This breed is found in the hills above Parlakimedi and Mandasa on the borders of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. General colour of this breed is brown or grey with yellowish tuft of hair on the knees and fetlocks. The breed is medium sized animal. Eyes are sharp, horns are broad.
Milk yield is satisfactory and males are hardy and can work in the hot sun.
The origin of the breed is Sambalpur area of Odisha.
Animals are large and powerful, having long narrow barrel, body colour is generally black.
Females breed produce milk regularly and satisfactory. Males are active and good performer for draught purpose.
The home of this breed is Eastern part of Andhra Pradesh and adjoining area of Odisha. Body colour of the animal is grey and ash grey colour. Eyes are prominent and large with narrow red margin around the lids. Tail is of medium length with white switch.
Animals are hardy and docile. Milk yield of females is satisfactory. Males are used to carry load in hilly areas as well as for ploughing in plains.
The breed is widely distributed in Jerangi hills of odisha. This is the one of the dwarf breeds of buffalo and its height does not exceed four feet. The body colour is black.
Females are poor for milk production, but males are strictly used for ploughing in water logged paddy field.
This breed is found in the Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu state. There are large-sized animals having long barrel and strong build. Horns of these buffaloes are variable in shape. Face is short and wide. The animals are not always docile.
Females are good milkers, yield between 4.5 to 8.5 litres daily with an average of 7.0% fat.