In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Concept of Farm Mechanization 2. Farm Mechanization Indicator 3. Present Farm Mechanization Thrust 4. Strategy 5. Constraints 6. Scope 7. Benefits.
Concept of Farm Mechanization:
Farm mechanization is the application of engineering and technology in agricultural operation to do a job in a better way to improve productivity. This includes development, application and management of all mechanical aids for field production, water control, material handling, storing and processing. Mechanical aids include hand tools animal drawn implements, power tiller, tractor, oil engines, and electric motors, processing and hauling equipments.
Farm mechanization does not mean the use of only big machines and tractors for farm work. Mechanization is a need based process which provide sufficient time gap for self-adjustment of various inputs without causing sudden impact of changes.
Different stages of agricultural development and level of mechanization are:
1. Manual
2. Using manual tools
3. Using animal for implements and machines
4. Using animal and mechanical power combined
5. Using mechanical power
6. Automatic machines
Farm Mechanization Indicator:
Mechanization is indicated by following ways:
1. Farm power per unit area
2. Ratio of mechanical power over total farm power
3. Energy ratio
1. Farm Power Per Unit Area:
One of the ways of viewing mechanization is by the availability of farm power per unit area i.e. kw/ha. Farm power availability was 0.25 in 1950- 1951 and it increased to 1.35 (2000-2001). It is desirable to have 2.00 kw/ha farm power by 2020.
2. Ratio of Mechanical Power over Total Farm Power:
Mechanization indicator has been expressed as ratio of mechanical power over total power used in farm. This is expressed as follows in percentage-
Mi = Mp/ Ap +Mp
Mi = Mechanization indicator
MP = Mechanical power used on the farm
AP = Animate (Human + Animal) power used on the farm.
This ratio has increased from 3.6 to 80% during 1950-51 to 1995-1996
3. Energy Ratio as Mechanization Indicator:
In many developed countries, wide gap exists between created infrastructure and actual utilization of energy. Hence ratio of actual utilized mechanical energy and total energy (Human + Animal + Mechanical) is an indicator of Mechanization. Energy is calculated in MJ/ha. (Mega joules per hectare)
Present Farm Mechanization Thrust:
1. To increase yields and cropping intensity
2. To increase income of agricultural workers
3. To mechanize the farms of all categories
4. To reduce health hazards and increase safety in operation of farm machinery
5. To utilize properly the natural resources such as land and water.
6. To utilize efficiently the inputs such as seeds, chemicals, and fertilizers.
7. To reduce cost of production.
8. To provide dignity to farm worker.
The targets to achieve the above objective are:
1. Increase of power input to 2 kw/ha by the year 2020.
2. To develop high capacity farm machines whose turnaround time loss is low.
3. To improve management of farm machinery for better economy.
4. To mechanize hill agriculture in better way.
5. To mechanize sugarcane, cotton, fruits, vegetables and covered cultivation in systematic way.
6. To improve quality of farm machinery
7. To strengthen Research and Development (R&D) unit for better designs of machines
8. To create suitable linkage with manufacturer for speedy commercialization of farm machines.
Farm Mechanization Strategy:
The resources like land and water are limited and shrinking as population increases. Hence utmost care is needed for boosting agricultural production with limited water and land. The level of mechanization in the country as a whole is still at a very low level.
The main reasons are:
1. Small and scattered holdings.
2. Poor investing capacities of the farmers.
3. Non-avail ability of good quality implements/machinery.
Due to shortage of labour at peak time of sowing, harvesting and threshing, farmers are more inclined towards use of agricultural machinery. This demands good quality machines and better sales and service facilities. Hence farm machinery industry will have to modernize their products & also improve comfort, safety and energy conservation. New machines for horticulture, plantation & agro forestry are needed by the farmers.
Efforts Required to Boost Farm Mechanization in India:
India is a large country with wide agro ecological diversity having predominance of rain fed agriculture. Gross cropped irrigated agriculture is limited to 41% only. Farm holdings are small due to high population density and land fragmentation will continue due to “Laws of Inheritance” and Hindu Succession Act. And majority of the farmers have limited money to invest in improved inputs.
The present trend in agricultural mechanization is for high capacity machines to be used on custom hiring and for contract system.
The mechanization of Rice, Sugarcane, Cotton, Potato, Horticultural crops, Green house, and Covered cultivation are now emerging areas which need greater attention.
Water is a scarce commodity; hence efforts will be needed for controlled application of water through:
(a) Drip irrigation
(b) Sprinkler irrigation
(c) Micro sprinkler irrigation
It is essential to economise the use of water and improve water use efficiency. There is tremendous potential of growing fruits, vegetables, and flowers in hilly areas.
Appropriate technology for hill agriculture is a necessity. It is very desirable to develop tractors and engines to run on vegetable oil, alcohol and other oils of plant origin.
Indian council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) with cooperation of states agricultural universities has developed a large number of agricultural machinery suitable for Indian farmers. More than 200 equipments have been developed, of which about 80 have been commercialized by the industries. This is a very good step for popularizing farm mechanization.
Economic advantages of mechanization are given below:
Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill Facilitates as Follows:
(i) Saving in seeds – 20%
(ii) Saving in fertilizer -15-20%
(iii) Enhancement in cropping intensity – 5-22%
(iv) Increase in gross income – 29-49%
Report of the Sub-Group on Agricultural implements and machinery for 9th five year plan of Govt. of India.
Farm Mechanization in Northern Region of India:
The following factors are responsible for encouraging mechanization in this region:
(i) Farm holdings being large
(ii) Higher purchasing power of farmers
(iii) Shortage of labour during peak seasons and
(iv) Increased cropping intensity through assured irrigation.
Encouragement to Contract and Commercial Farming:
Contract farming and franchise cultivation by the industries with progressive farmers can ensure quality products for processing. It also helps the producer to modernize agriculture for producing high value crops.
The group farming could be encouraged by the industries under contract farming or franchise cultivation arrangement. Green houses with environmental control will maintain regular supply of agro produce for export and hotel industries for domestic & foreign tourist. Modernization of high value industrial crops such as sugarcane, cotton, tobacco fruits and vegetables are very necessary for the farmers.
Diversification is possible in the following areas for modernization of techniques of production:
(i) Spices
(ii) Medicinal plants
(iii) Aromatic plants
(iv) Perfumery items
(v) Food flavour items
(vi) Cosmetic items and
(vii) Toiletry goods
Agro processing in rural areas will help the farmers in several ways such as:
(i) Increasing availability of raw material at reduced cost for processing purpose.
(ii) Reduced cost of handling, transport and labour reduces cost of processing.
(iii) More employment to rural people which will arrest rural migration and reduce social problem in cities.
(iv) Overall development of rural areas with creation of extra infrastructure for processing.
(v) Utilization of by-products of animal feed, compost, biogas feeds etc.
The following priorities are to be considered in horticulture sector:
i. Minimize post-harvest handling, transport & storage
ii. Providing high quality raw materials to processing industry
iii. Establishing large co-operatives with adequate facilities.
iv. Improving packaging quality with decreased cost of packaging.
v. Improve distribution system through cold storage, freezers etc.
Live Stock:
Livestock has intimate relationship with rural folks. Efforts have to be made for better management of health, feed and breeding, fodder, poultry, animal shelter, milk handling and processing plants. This is possible only by use of suitable mechanization in different stages.
Aquaculture Development:
Construction of ponds, aerators, hatcheries, fishing gear, cold containers, processing, packaging, transport etc. are priority sector for development of fisheries.
Mechanization will be helpful to a great extent.
Rural Employment:
It is beneficial to establish primary processing units for food, feed & fiber in rural areas for improving employment in rural areas. Mechanization will play a vital role in this sector.
Processed Food and Farm Machinery:
Better technology is needed for exporting cereals, fish, marine products, fruits, vegetables, cut flowers, tea, coffee, spices textiles etc. Increased export of agro produce would require better quality products, storage facilities, controlled temperature containers and modern material handling equipments. This all will need mechanization at each stage.
Mechanization at a Glance:
Farm mechanization is the application of various types of machines and other agricultural implements during the production, transportation and processing of agricultural products. Intensive agriculture requires application of diverse machinery that saves time and labour in field operation. Mechanization gives higher cropping intensity, economical uses of irrigation facilities, timely sowing, harvesting, and transportation of inputs to the fields.
Agricultural mechanization involves judicious application of inputs by using agricultural machinery/equipment i.e. hand tools, bullock drawn implements, and power driven machines. Machines also play important role in water conservation through land leveling, and soil compaction. Mechanization ensures reduction of drudgery with various farm operations.
Mechanization does not necessarily displace labour but labour employment is enhanced by way of increase in cropped area, handling of more produce, expansion of marketing infrastructure etc. Mechanization is necessary to enhance productivity and conservation of energy required for various operations involved in crop production, threshing, processing, transportation, storage etc. shelters, potato planter cane crusher, sugarcane cutter planter, strip-till drill, zero-till drill and rotavator.
Several measures have been undertaken in India such as:
(i) Identification of prototype under ICAR schemes, State Agricultural universities and state Governments.
(ii) Demonstration of newly developed equipment
(iii) Provision of facilities for repair and maintenance of farm machinery at appropriate levels.
(iv) Financial assistance in the form of subsidy to farmers for purchase of equipments.
(v) Provision of credit facilities to the farmers for purchase of agricultural implements.
(vi) Exemption of excise duty on agricultural implements.
The Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institutes at Budni (M.P), Hissar (Haryana) Garladinne (A.P) and Bishwanath Chariali (Assam) established by the Government of India play a vital role in conducting tests for performance evaluation of agricultural machinery to assess their functional suitability.
Constraints in Farm Mechanization:
A number of constraints are there in promotion of mechanization such as:
(i) Different type of equipments are required for each agro climatic zone.
(ii) Small and fragmented land holdings.
(iii) Low investment capacity of the farmers.
(iv) Inadequate irrigation facilities.
(v) Poor know how status of the farmers
(vi) Poor facilities for repairs and maintenance of farm machinery
(vii) Inadequate irrigation facilities.
Scope of Farm Mechanization:
There is a good scope of farm mechanization in India, Gulf countries, South East Asia and African countries due to the following reasons:
(i) Improved irrigation facility in the area.
(ii) Introduction of high yielding varieties of seeds.
(iii) Introduction of high dose of fertilizers and pesticides for different crops.
(iv) Introduction of new crops in different parts of the country.
(v) Multi cropping system and intensive cultivation, followed in different parts of the country.
The above factors are responsible to encourage farm mechanization, which can be viewed with the following points in mind:
(a) Population of the country is increasing day by day. Steps have to be taken to arrange food and fibres for such large population by adopting intensive farming in the country. Intensive farming required machines on the farm.
(b) In multiple cropping system, generally high yielding variety of seeds are sown, so farm operations are required to be completed in limited time with economy and efficiency. This is possible only with help of mechanization.
(c) Farm mechanization reduces drudgery (boredom, monotony) of labour to a great extent. A ploughman has to walk about 66 km on foot while ploughing one hectare of land once by bullocks having 15 cm. furrow width.
(d) A large number of female worker and children work on farms unwillingly due to shortage of power. From the human stand point, it is not desirable to engage females and children for arduous farm work.
A child must go to school and woman must devote time for managing home affairs to make life pleasant.
If machines are used, the following relief may be expected:
(i) A farmer and his animals can be relieved of hard work.
(ii) He will do his job with machine better and quicker.
(iii) He will get more leisure and devote more time to other work.
(iv) He will earn better living and enjoy life in nice manner.
(v) The proper utilization of basic inputs like water, seed and fertilizer will be possible only when proper equipments are used.
(vi) The seeds and fertilizer should be placed at a certain depth with respect to each other for the optimum interactions of the two which is possible by a seed drill.
(vii) Seed bed should be prepared to required tilth for better crops.
(viii) The field should have uniform slope for better irrigation and drainage.
(ix) There are certain operations which are rather difficult to be performed by animal power and human labour such as:
(a) Deep ploughing in case of deep rooted crops.
(b) Killing the pernicious weeds by deep tillage operation.
(c) Leveling of uneven land.
(d) Land reclamation
(e) Application of insecticides during epidemic seasons. These operations need heavy mechanical equipment for satisfactory completion.
Benefits of Farm Mechanization:
The following are the benefits of farm mechanization:
1. Timeliness of operation
2. Precision of operation
3. Improvement of work environment
4. Enhancement of safety
5. Reduction of drudgery of labour
6. Reduction of loss of crops and food products
7. Increased productivity of land
8. Increased economic return to farmer
9. Improved dignity of farmer
10. Progress and prosperity in rural areas.
Limiting Factors in Farm Mechanization:
The following are the limiting factors in farm mechanization in India:
1. Small land holdings
2. Less investing capacity of farmers
3. Agricultural labour is easily available
4. Adequate draft animals are available in the country
5. Lack of suitable farm machine for different operation
6. Lack of repair and servicing facilities for machines
7. Lack of trained man power
8. Lack of coordination between research organization and manufacturer
9. High cost of machines
10. Inadequate quality control of machine.
Suggestion for Farm Mechanization:
1. To develop a national policy on farm mechanization.
2. To establish an apex body to implement the national policy on farm mechanization. This may provide basis for industries to plan their capacities, sale and servicing of equipment.
3. To open adequate training centres for imparting training to engineers, mechanics, technicians, operators, and users, on the farm, power, and machinery regarding proper selection, operation, maintenance and repair of machines.
4. To start testing and evaluating centres for farm power and machinery on regional basis.
5. To establish adequate centres for repairs and spare parts of machines.
6. To reinforce tractor testing station on the lines of international testing stations.
7. To improve the industrial policy for maintaining better quality of implements and machines.
8. Agricultural Engineering Extension Education is required to be established on sound footing to keep the farmers upto date on various aspects of application of engineering to agriculture.
9. The landless workers need financial assistance to own hand tools to improve their earnings.
10. Post-harvest technology deserves special attention.
11. Custom hiring system is required to be encouraged in rural areas.