Everything you need to know about watermelon cultivation, production and harvest. Learn about:- 1. Introduction to Watermelon 2. Composition and Uses 3. Climate and Soil Required for Cultivation 4. Sowing Time of Seeds 5. Manurial Requirement for Cultivation 6. Irrigation Requirement for Cultivation 7. Intercultural Operations 8. Harvesting and Yielding 9. Physiological Disorders 10. Insect-Pests 11. Cultivated Varieties.
- Introduction to Watermelon
- Composition and Uses of Watermelon
- Climate and Soil Required for Cultivating Watermelon
- Sowing Time of Watermelon Seeds
- Manurial Requirement for Watermelon Cultivation
- Irrigation Requirement for Watermelon Cultivation
- Intercultural Operations of Watermelon
- Harvesting and Yielding of Watermelon
- Physiological Disorders Seen in Watermelon
- Insect-Pests of Watermelon
- Cultivated Varieties of Watermelon
1. Introduction
to Watermelon:
Watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf.] is well known tender warm season vegetable cultivated throughout the world. It is commonly called as tarbooz in all parts of India, and grown widely in all states of India. However, it is a commercial riverbed crop in Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Andhra Pradesh. Most of the varieties have the monoecious sex form but few have the andromonoecious sex form.
The total area under watermelon cultivation in the world and India is 34,698 and 20,000 hectare, respectively. The total production and productivity of watermelon in India is 6,45,000 metric tonne and 12.75 t/ha, while the production in the world is 3,469,871 metric tonne with the productivity of 26.45 t/ha.
Watermelon is indigenous to tropical Africa. Filov and Viianskaya (1972) presented linguistic data and supported that watermelon is originated in Africa. According to Fursa (1973), cultivation of Citrullus vulgaris began in the ancient Egypt and India, and it spread from there to different country via Mediterranean, Near East, and Asia. The cultivated form shows much variability in central Asia, Iran, Pakistan, and India.
2. Composition and Uses of Watermelon:
The well-ripened fruit per 100 g fresh weight contains 95.8% water, 0.3% protein, 0.3% minerals, and 3.3% carbohydrates and is also rich source of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron and fruit juice is very delicious and nutritious. The nutritive value of watermelon fruit per 100 g edible portion is given below in Table 18.1.
Watermelon is a common man’s fruit, which is generally used as dessert. The fruit juice is delicious and nourishing and exerts a cooling effect in hot summer months, thus, consumed with salt and black pepper. The unripe fruits are cooked as a vegetable in some parts of India, and seeds are used as snack after roasting and shelling.
Medicinal Use:
Watermelon is cooling, purgative, anthelmintic, antipyretic, and carminative in action. It cures a wide range of ailments such as enlargement of spleen, ulcers, asthma, bronchitis, jaundice, anaemia, dyspepsia, and constipation. The ground roots are applied externally to control inflammation of breasts and pain in joints and uterus.
3. Climate and Soil Required for Cultivating Watermelon
Watermelon is essentially a warm season crop grown in subtropical and hot arid regions. Soil temperature ranging from 16° to 33°C with optimum 21.5°C is the best for its seed germination, while for better pollination, fertilization and fruit setting, the temperature should be between 25° and 30°C.
Plants are very sensitive to low temperature and frost. For better quality of fruits, there should be plenty of sunlight and high temperature at the time of ripening, thus, the arid region of Rajasthan is considered best for the production of quality fruits of watermelon.
Watermelon can be grown well on deep sandy loam soil high in organic matter, well drained and slightly acidic in reaction. Among cucurbits, watermelon is one of the deepest-rooted crops. Sandy loam soil generally warms up faster and allows deep root penetration, thus, sandy loam soil is preferred more for the cultivation of watermelon.
In heavy soil, plant grows slowly, and fruits are inferior in size and quality. For its successful cultivation, the pH of the soil should be from 5.5 to 7.0, however, the varieties Jobner 21 and 18-1 can be grown on soils having high pH. The crop can withstand acidic soil better than other cucurbits. The watermelon should not be grown in fields where other cucurbits have been grown during previous years.
Soil preparation should be started 3-4 weeks before sowing, and the soil should be prepared thoroughly since proper soil preparations significantly reduce the soil compactness and allow the roots to penetrate deeper into the soil.
4. Sowing Time
of Watermelon Seeds:
In north India, early sowing is generally done in November in riverbeds, however, under general field conditions, it is sown in 2nd fortnight of February, whereas, in northeastern and western India, the best time of sowing is November to January. According to Biswas (1983), the optimum time for the sowing of watermelon in West Bengal is middle of November.
In southern and central parts of India, sowing is done in December-January, however, in Maharashtra the optimum time for the sowing of watermelon has been reported to be December-January, and in Rajasthan, the rainy season crop of watermelon is sown in the month of August-September. In northern Indian hills, the sowing season starts from April-May.
The seed rate of watermelon depends upon the sowing distance between hills and rows. The weight of 1000 seeds of watermelon varies from 40 to 100 g. If five seeds per hill with 60% germination are sown at recommended plant spacing keeping 3000 to 8333 plants per hectare and leaving the 10% area occupied in irrigation channels and paths and finally only two vines are retained in each hill, the seed rate would be about 2-4 kg ha-1. Before sowing, the seed is treated with carbendazim 0.25% @ 2.5 g per kg of seeds.
Watermelon is sown either on raised bed or in pits, however, for taking early produce the seedlings, which become ready for transplanting in about 25-30 days, are raised in polyethylene bags of half or one kilogram size. Besides, the following systems are adopted for the sowing of watermelon:
i. Shallow Pit Method or Flatbed Method:
In this method, shallow pits of size 60x60x45 cm are dug at 2.5-3.0 m distance and filled with a mixture of farmyard manure, soil, and recommended dose of fertilizers per pit. The pits are left open for 2 weeks before sowing for partial solarization, and then, filled with a mixture of 4-5 kg of compost per pit, soil and a part of recommended dose of fertilizers like urea, single super phosphate, muriate of potash and insecticide like Furadon 1-1.5 g.
In this method, ridges and furrows are prepared manually or mechanically. Keeping a distance 2.5-3.5 m between two rows, the channels of 75 cm width are prepared and seeds are sown on the edges of these raised beds.
In this method, raised mounds of 15-20 cm height are generally prepared, and a similar mixture of farmyard manure, soil, and fertilizers is mixed as in shallow pit method. Seeds (4-5) are sown on each mound at proper depth.
Generally, five seeds are sown 2 cm deep in a vertical orientation in each pit or hill. Generally, watermelon seeds take 4-5 days for germination at optimum temperature (25-30°C).
Anonymous (1987) has recommended spacing of 300-400×60 cm for watermelon in Punjab, whereas, Nath et al. (1987) has recommended a spacing of 2.5-3.5 cm between rows and 60-120 cm between hills. In case of pit method. Singh (1989) recommended a spacing of 2.5×1.5 m.
In West Bengal, Biswas (1983) found maximum yield of watermelon at 3.5 x 1.2 m spacing. Singh and Naik (1989) found 2 x 1 m or 2 x 1.2 m as optimum spacing for cultivar Sugar Baby under Maharashtra conditions. The highest fruit yield of cultivar Asahi Yamato has been obtained when sown at 200×60 cm spacing.
5. Manurial Requirement
for Watermelon Cultivation:
Watermelon requires farmyard manure 15-22.5 tonnes/ha for improving the soil organic matter content. It should be mixed thoroughly into the soil at the time of land preparation or applied to pits before sowing. Deshi et al. (1964) found 50 kg N/ha as optimum dose in Punjab. Bhosale et al. (1978) found nitrogen 75 kg/ha as optimum level for watermelon in Maharashtra, whereas, Deswal and Patil (1984) obtained the best results with nitrogen 70 kg/ha.
Hegde (1987b) found increasing trend in dry matter (54%), yield (32%), minerals (51%) and field water use efficiency (32%) by increasing application of nitrogen up to 120 kg/ha. Biswas (1983) reported nitrogen 40 kg/ha as the best dose in West Bengal.
While working with watermelon Singh and Naik (1989) found nitrogen 56 kg/ha as an optimum dose at Ranchi, however, Virupaksha (1988) found watermelon significantly responsive to nitrogen up to 150 kg/ha under Dharwad conditions and Srinivas (1987) reported nitrogen 120-140 kg/ha as the optimum dose for Bangalore region. The recommendation of nitrogen varied from 50 kg/ha in Haryana to 100 kg/ha in Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and Orissa (Table 18.2).
In Maharashtra, Desai et al. (1964) found phosphorus 25 kg/ha, Bhosale et al. (1978) 30 kg/ha, and Deswal and Patil (1984) 50 kg/ha as an optimum dose for higher yield of watermelon. In West Bengal, Biswas (1983) recommended 40 kg/ha as an optimum dose of phosphorus.
Singh and Naik (1989) observed significant response of watermelon to phosphorus up to 150 kg/ha, and found 190 kg/ha as an economic dose for watermelon at Ranchi. The recommendation of phosphorus for different states varied from 25 kg/ha in Haryana to 88 kg/ha in Karnataka (Table 18.2).
In Maharashtra, Desai et al. (1964) recommended 25 kg/ha as an optimum level of potash for higher yield of watermelon. Bhosale et al. (1978) found watermelon response to applied potash up to 75 kg/ha. Deswal and Patil (1984) found 50 kg/ha as an optimum dose of potash. Virupaksha (1988) reported that potash requirement at Dharwad was 50 kg/ha. Similarly the recommendation of potash varied from 25 kg/ha in Haryana to 130 kg/ha in Assam.
Foliar spray of boron 3 mg/litre, calcium 3 mg/litre or molybdenum 3 mg/litre of water at 2 and 4 true leaf stage of growth has been recommended by Choudhury (1982) for obtaining more number of fruit per plant and fruit yield as well.
Watermelon is relatively a long duration crop, thus, the application of fertilizers in small quantity several times in splits throughout the season will maximize the production. The whole dose of phosphorus and potash, and one-third dose of nitrogen should be mixed in pits filling mixture or applied as basal dose at the time of furrow or pit preparation near expected root zone, however, the remaining two-third amount of recommended nitrogen is applied approximately 27 and 42 days after germination in equal doses on the sides of the beds. Hoeing and earthing up should follow application of nitrogen.
6. Irrigation Requirement
for Watermelon Cultivation:
Watermelon despite deep-rooted crop is very responsive to irrigation, however, cannot withstand waterlogged conditions. The crop planted in riverbeds requires no irrigation since the plant roots obtain sufficient moisture from sub-soil water through capillary action. In other places, the irrigation is applied just after sowing, if soil at the time of sowing is deficient in moisture.
Soil moisture stress during pre-flowering, flowering and fruit development stages reduces the yield drastically. Irrigation once in 7 to 10 days may be required depending upon the soil type, organic matter content and weather conditions.
During ripening irrigation has to be stopped otherwise cracking of skin occurs together with a deterioration of flesh, which becomes more fibrous, less juicy and less sweet. Moisture deficit during fruit development also increases NO3 content in fruit juice, which causes health hazards.
The highest yield was obtained by Desai and Patil (1984) with irrigation at IW/CPE ratio of one, which required about nine irrigations. The consumptive use and water requirement were 196.9 and 540 mm, respectively. At Bangalore on sandy clay-loam soils, irrigation at a soil metric potential of -25 kPa at 15 cm depth was found optimum, which required 400-439.5 mm water.
Srinivas et al. (1989a, b) observed that the optimum replenishment of evaporation losses for watermelon varied with the irrigation system, while under drip irrigation, 25% replenishment was optimum under furrow with 2-5 cm depth of irrigation, 50% replenishment was ideal with 5% depth of furrow irrigation, and 75% replenishment of evaporation losses resulted in higher yield.
7. Intercultural Operations
of Watermelon:
At initial stage of vine growth, watermelon is very sensitive to weeds, thus, manual weeding may be practiced 20-25 days after sowing. Depending upon the severity of weeds, total 2-3 weeding operations would be required, however, in later stages, the weeds should not be removed from the watermelon field since they provide protection against sunscald. Saimbhi and Randhawa (1977) reported that pre- and post-emergence weedicides are phytotoxic to the seedlings and plants.
They used a wide array of pre- and post-emergent herbicides, like simizine, alachlore, dichlormate, and propanil, one day after sowing of seeds. Leela (1985) found butachlor at 2.0 kg a.i./ha as an effective herbicide both in term of reduced dry matter production of weeds and enhanced yield.
Watermelon responds well to plastic mulch, which is used any time few days or two or three weeks before sowing/planting when the soil is in good sowing/planting condition. For sowing, the seeds or transplanting the seedlings, holes are made on spread plastic mulch at recommended spacing. Plastic mulch, generally, warms the soil, which results in about 10 days early harvest than without mulch crop.
In addition to promoting earliness, plastic mulch conserves soil moisture and helps prevent leaching of plant nutrients from beds, though the use of plastic mulch will increase the cost of production. Black and wavelength selective mulches block the photosynthetically active radiation and per se inhibit or prevent the growth of weeds. Though plastic mulch of different colours can be used, black colour plastic mulch is better than plastic mulches of other colour.
iii. Use of Plant Growth Regulators:
The exogenous application of TIBA (25-250 ppm), molybdenum (3-4 ppm) and calcium (20-25 ppm) is recommended to increase the fruiting and yield. These chemicals/plant growth regulators must be applied at 2-4 true leaf stage as foliar spray.
8. Harvesting
and Yielding of Watermelon:
Watermelon is a non-climacteric fruit, which ripens only on vine. Once it is detached from the vine it would not ripe further so it should be harvested when it is fully mature and has attained the maximum total soluble solids since it is considered best for eating when the flesh is fully mature to produce sweet flavour, crispy texture, and deep red colour, though the flesh colour varies from yellow to dark red, depending upon varieties.
Determining maturity or judging right stage of harvesting of watermelon is not an easy task, however, the combination of following indicators may be used to determine the maturity index of watermelon:
i. The fruit becomes ready for consumption in about 30-40 days after anthesis.
ii. Watermelon needs 800-1000 day degree from anthesis to maturity, depending on cultivar.
iii. Depending on cultivar and season, fruits become ready for harvest 75-100 days after sowing.
iv. The tendril accompanied the fruit peduncle is turned brown and dried at maturity.
v. The portion of fruit resting on ground starts turning colour from creamy white to yellow.
vi. On ripening, the rind becomes hard enough that resists penetration of thumbnail.
vii. On ripening, the rind surface becomes rough to touch.
viii. The ripened fruit on pressing with palm emits crisp cracking sound due to breaking of flesh.
ix. The sugar content of fruit measured as soluble solids using hand refractometer is reached 10% or more in flesh near center of the fruit.
x. On thumping, the immature fruit gives out metallic ringing sound and the ripened one dull hollow sound.
xi. Plugging though the sure method, but it spoils the fruit, hence, may not be used by the farmers as maturity index while harvesting the fruits. However, this method is very useful for the consumers while purchasing the fruits from the retailers.
The other indicators are more reliable than the thumping test because not all watermelon fruits emit the proverbial dull sound on ripening. Keeping a long peduncle attached the fruits should be cut from the vine in a single attempt using a sharp knife rather than breaking the peduncle by pulling or twisting since pulling or twisting macerate the peduncle tissues, which provide medium for the multiplication of bacteria and fungi, causing decaying of whole peduncle, and ultimately, the internal flesh.
The cut portion of peduncle may be treated with 0.2% Benomyl, Bavistin or thiobendazole to avoid decaying of cut portion. As the fruits are cut from the vines, the bottom, which is subject to sunscald, should be turned down.
Harvesting of watermelon depends upon the availability of labor, packing, and transportation facilities. The fruits must be harvested at right stage of maturity best suited for the intended market and handled gently enough to avoid damage to ensure market quality.
Shading is a necessary protection against direct sunlight and heat while keeping the fruits in heap for transportation and marketing. Based on good and very good levels of optimum internal quality, grading is done before sending the fruits to the market. The grading may be “good” (sweetness level as measured with a hand refractometer not less than 8% soluble solids) and “very good” (sweetness level as measured with a hand refractometer not less than 10% or more soluble solids).
Watermelons are graded by counting based on a sample unit of 20 fruits. Other factors such as similar varietal characteristics, uniform maturity (not overripe), fairly well shaped, and free from diseases, decay, insects, sunburn, sunscald, hollow heart, white heart and mechanical injury should also be considered while grading the fruits.
Samples with 10% total defect, 5% deformity/ damage, and 1% decay are also considered for grading. Watermelons should be packed according to specific weight size. Manual weight sizing is practiced at most packing sheds.
The best packaging materials for the transportation are the bins and cartons. Packing watermelons in palletized bins and cartons is becoming more popularly widespread due to less painstaking and quicker loading, unloading and handling, less fruit damage owing to physical protection offered by packaging, which also offers unitized handling, and thus, results in better quality.
The capacity of packaging materials depends on their own size and fruit size. The cartons (65 cm long, 50 cm wide, and 25 cm high) hold three, four or five fruits, depending on size, fiberboard bins (120 cm long, 100 cm wide, and 90 cm high) hold on an average 50 fruits.
Keeping fruits into bins produces impact shock, i.e., compression injury, on already loaded fruits inside bins. Absence of ventilation during transportation causes overheating of fruits, which results in increased decay and quality loss.
The fruits are never kept on their ends side in trucks or tractors since the thin blossom end is the most susceptible area for bruising. Generally, bruising and abrasion on fruits are resulting during loading in truck due to throwing of fruits on the top of other fruits. Harvesting or loading of fruits in wet season is not advisable because of the increased risk of decay so the trucks should be well padded with burlap or carpet on the side, front and back walls to avoid bruising and abrasions.
On the bottom, a 15 cm layer of hay or straw should be spread as a cushion. Padding on the bottom should be changed frequently to remove sand that causes abrasion injury to the rind during further trips. The loaders should not ride on top of the fruits after loading in truck. Direct exposure of fruits to sunlight either in field or even after loading in truck develops sunburn quickly, which affects the eatable and keeping quality of fruit after harvesting. Temperature above 32°C causes internal flesh breakdown and increases decay.
Watermelon is a tropical fruit so it may not be stored below 13°C temperature, however, the optimum storage temperature for watermelon is 15°C. Temperature during transportation should be 13° to 21°C with adequate ventilation. Its fruits if stored below 10°C, chilling injury can develop, causing decreased redness and juice leakage of the internal flesh, and surface pitting and Alternaria decay of rind.
Chilling will also cause discoloration of internal flesh after the fruit is warmed to room temperature if it was bruised before storing in cold storage. Fruits if exposed to ethylene are broken down internally, and water-soaked appearance in flesh is developed. This leads to flesh softening and flavour loss, therefore, for maximum return, injury should be avoided during harvesting, handling, packaging, and transportation.
The yield of watermelon depends on the variety used, soil type, growing conditions, growing region and the package of practices followed during the cultivation of crop. The average fruit yield varies from 200 to 250 q/ha, however, the yield of hybrids is more than the yield of open pollinated varieties, varying from 300 to 400 q/ha.
9. Physiological Disorders
Seen in Watermelon:
Blossom end rot is a physiological or non-parasitic disorder related to calcium deficiency or moisture stress or both. Fruits suffering with this disorder are not suitable for market. Preventive recommendation includes application of calcium, maintenance of soil pH (6 to 6.5) and a uniform and sufficient supply of moisture. The incidence of blossom end rot is quite variable from season to season and tends to occur more readily in oblong-fruited variety.
ii. Hollow Heart and White Heart:
Hollow heart and white heart are two physiological disorders influenced by genetic makeup, environment, and probably, nutritional factors. This disorder is typified by the partitioning of inner parts of fruit into segments, leaving cavity in the center at maturity.
Hollow heart is more pronounced in first induced fruits due to the excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizer or when harvesting is delayed. This disorder develops under conditions that favor the rapid growth of fruit, particularly when the rind growth rate is relatively more than the inner parts of the fruit.
Hollow heart and white heart affect the fruit quality, leading to rejection of fruits. To overcome the incidence of these disorders, the cultivars that have not shown unusually high incidence of hollow heart or white heart should be used for cultivation. In addition, the crop should be grown under optimal nutritional and moisture conditions.
Continuous exposure of fruit to blazing sun for long hours raises the temperature of a particular portion beyond unbearable limit, and as such, causes death of the tissues, which is known as sunscald. The incidence is noticed more severe in varieties having dark colour fruits. Sunscald reduces the quality by making the fruit appearance less attractive and may become a reason of fruits rot.
Developing and maintaining adequate canopy (shade) over the fruits may prevent sunscald. Removal of weeds, especially the tall type, from the field in later stages should be avoided since they produce shade and provide protection to the fruits against sunscald.
10. Insect-Pests of Watermelon:
1. Red Pumpkin Beetle (Aulacophora Foveicollis Syn. Raphidopalpa Foveicollis):
This is very destructive insect at two to four leaves stage of plants. Adults feed on cotyledonary leaves, killing the seedlings and foliage by biting and making them holes. At flowering stage of the crop, beetles sometimes damage the floral parts and reduce the fruit set. Infection is more severe in plains than in hills. The female adult lays 50-70 orange/yellow eggs in clusters into the soil near the plant collar region.
i. Plough the field in hot summer months to expose and kill the grubs.
ii. Follow long crop rotation with non-host crops.
iii. Collect and kill the adults.
iv. Protect the plants from infestation of adults.
v. Spray carbaryl (50 WP) 0.15% twice or thrice at 10 days interval.
2. Mites (Tetranychus Urticae):
This is known as two-spotted spider mite and now inhabit watermelon field. The damage is caused by both nymphs and adults. Mite infection causes web formation on leaves in large number, giving unhealthy appearance. Usually mites feed on underside of leaves by sucking cell sap. Gradually, the chlorophyll degradation takes place and leaves dry.
Infested leaves are small sized and webbing interferes with plant growth. There is a poor setting of fruits and the yield is considerably reduced. Mite is active from March to October and passes the winter as a gravid female. As the season warms up in March and crops have three to four leaves, mites start feeding on undersurface of leaves and lay 60-80 eggs. They feed underneath the webs.
i. Use optimum dose of nitrogen.
ii. Irrigate the field at regular interval in summer season.
iii. Spray NSKE (Neem Seed Kernel Extract) 4% at weekly interval.
iv. Spray Dicofol 18.5 EC 0.05% or Vertimac 1.8 SL at 15-20 days interval.
11. Cultivated Varieties of Watermelon:
A. Open Pollinated Varieties:
1. Sugar Baby:
An early maturing variety with medium vines growth introduced from USA by Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi bears small round fruits weighing 3 to 5 kg with attractive dark green rind having faint perceptible strips and uniform deep red flesh, TSS 11-13% and small brown seeds. It is well-adopted and most popular variety grown throughout India. Its average yield is 250-300 q/ha in crop duration of 90-95 days.
A first seedless variety of watermelon with vigorous vines growth developed at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi through a cross between Tetra-2 (4x) x Pusa Russel (2x) bears dark green colour fruits with faint strips, triangular shape, tough rind, red flesh with white remnants of false seed, TSS 12-13%, and average weight 5-6 kg. The average yield is 20-25 t/ha in crop duration of 115-120 days, however, the seed of this variety is not being multiplied presently.
A variety with medium vines growth introduced from Japan by Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi bears pale green round fruits having smooth surface without strips, deep red flesh, TSS 9-11%, and average weight 6-7 kg. Average yield is 200 q/ha in crop duration of 90- 100 days, however, the seed of this variety is not being multiplied presently.
A variety introduced from USA by Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi bears light green small size fruits with black strips having red flesh, sweet taste, and average weight 1.5-2.0 kg. It is suitable for home gardening but the seed of this variety is not being multiplied presently.
A variety introduced from USA by Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana bears dark green big size fruits having average weight 8-9 kg and moderate sweetness (8-9% TSS).
An early maturing variety developed at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana bears small round fruits having flesh and seed red. The average TSS is slightly lower than Improved Shipper variety.
A late maturing variety developed at Rajasthan Agricultural University, Agricultural Research Station, Durgapura (Rajasthan) through a selection from indigenous materials was released by State Seed Varietal Evaluation Committee in 1977.
Picking starts 100-115 days after sowing. Fruits are round with light green thick rind having dark red colour flesh and TSS 9-10%. Average fruit weight is 5-7 kg and yield 400-500 q/ha. Its keeping quality is good and is suitable for long distance transportation.
A variety developed at Rajasthan Agricultural University, Agricultural Research Station, Durgapura (Rajasthan) through a cross between Durgapura Basanti x Durgapura Meetha was released by the State Seed Varietal Evaluation Committee in 1977. Light green juicy fruits with strips are slightly ovicular in shape having thick and brittle rind, saffron colour flesh, TSS 10-11% and average fruit weight 8-10 kg. Picking starts 115-120 days after sowing and gives an average yield of 350-450 q/ha.
A variety moderately resistant to blight developed at Rajasthan Agricultural University, Agricultural Research Station, Durgapura (Rajasthan) through a cross between Sugar Baby x KS 3566 was released by the State Seed Varietal Evaluation Committee in 2003.
Dark green fruits with dark thin lining are round and juicy having hard rind, dark red crisp flesh, TSS 10-11% and average weight 4-5 kg. Picking starts 105-110 days after sowing and gives an average yield of 350-450 q/ha. The variety shows bud necrosis under field condition.
A variety developed at Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore is an advance derivative of modified back cross between IIHR-21 and Crimson Sweet Oval-shaped light green, fruits with green to dark green strips have flesh deep crimson with granular texture, pleasant aroma, high sugar content (12-15% TSS), and few small seeds arranged in order. Average fruit weight is 6 kg, and average yield 600 q/ha in 110-115 days. It has triple resistance to powdery mildew, downy mildew, and anthracnose diseases.
Arka Jyoti (F1):
An F1 hybrid (Crimson Sweet x IIHR-20) developed at Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore bears round to oval shape fruits with light green rind colour and green to blue green angular strips. Flesh is crimson red, high in sugar (12-14% TSS) and low in seed content. The average fruit weight is 5 kg, and the average yield 600-800 q/ha in cropping period of 90-100 days.